
Field datatypes


1. Core datatypes

  • string : text, keyword
  • Numeric : long, integer, short, byte, double, float, half_float, scaled_float
  • Date : date
  • Date nanoseconds : date_nanos
  • Boolean : boolean
  • Binary :binary
  • Range : integer_range, float_range, long_range, double_range, date_range, ip_range

2. Complex datatypes

  • Object : object for single JSON objects
  • Nested : nested for arrays of JSON objects

3. Geo datatypes

  • Geo-point : geo_point for lat/lon points
  • Geo-shape : geo_shape for complex shapes like polygons

4. Specialised datatypes

  • IP : ip for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Completion datatype : completion to provide auto-complete suggestions
  • Token count : token_count to count the number of tokens in a string
  • mapper-murmur3 : murmur3 to compute hashes of values at index-time and store them in the index
  • mapper-annotated-text : annotated-text to index text containing special markup (typically used for identifying named entities)
  • Percolator : Accepts queries from the query-dsl
  • Join : Defines parent/child relation for documents within the same index
  • Rank feature : Record numeric feature to boost hits at query time.
  • Rank features : Record numeric features to boost hits at query time.
  • Dense vector : Record dense vectors of float values.
  • Sparse vector : Record sparse vectors of float values.
  • Search-as-you-type : A text-like field optimized for queries to implement as-you-type completion
  • Alias : Defines an alias to an existing field.
  • Flattened : Allows an entire JSON object to be indexed as a single field.
  • Shape : shape for arbitrary cartesian geometries.
  • Histogram : histogram for pre-aggregated numerical values for percentiles aggregations.
  • Constant keyword : Specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.


  • https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-types.html#_complex_datatypes
